
A blog implementation with Spring MVC + Spring JPA + Hibernate + MySQL + Redis + Bootstrap + Jade. Source code for my personal website: http://raysmond.com .

Primary LanguageJava


SpringBlog is a very simple blog system implemented with Spring MVC. It's one of my learning projects which took me two days to develop the first minimal and runnable version. I've put it on production for my personal website http://raysmond.com.

SpringBlog is powered by many powerful frameworks and third-party projects:

  • Spring MVC + Spring JPA + Hibernate - Powerful frameworks
  • HikariCP - A solid high-performance JDBC connection pool
  • Bootstrap - A very popular and responsive front-end framework
  • Pegdown - A pure-java markdown processor
  • ACE Editor - A high performance code editor
  • Pygments - Python syntax highlighter
  • Jade4j - Jade is an elegant template language
  • Webjars - A client-side web libraries packaged into JAR files. A easy way to manage JavaScript and CSS vendors in Gradle.
  • Redis - A very powerful in-memory data cache server.


Before development, please install the following service software:

Edit application configuration file src/main/resources/dev_app.properties according to your settings.

And start MySQL, Redis and Pygments first before running the application.

# If you're using Ubuntu server
sudo service mysql start
sudo service redis_6379 start
sudo pip install pygments

This is a Gradle project. Make sure Gradle is installed in your machine. Try gradle -v command. Otherwise install in from http://www.gradle.org/. I recommend you import the source code into Intellij IDE to edit the code.

# Install artifacts to your local repository
./gradlew build

# Start the web application
./gradlew jettyRun

View http://localhost:8080/ on your browser.


Use gradle to build a production war and deploy it on Jetty9 server in Linux. Before deployment, please install Java8, Jetty9 and the latest version of Redis server.

./gradlew warProduction

You'll find the production war in folder build/dist, for example SpringBlog-production-0.1.war.

Alternatively, you can run the deploy.sh script to deploy the application to remote server automatically. Please do change the settings before running the script.