
E Commerce Microservices with NodeJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

E Commerce Microservice

Use Cases

  • Seller can sale products online
  • Buyer can buy product online
  • Transaction will take place between C2C
  • A commision of % will be charged per final transaction
  • Notification or communication channel needed to collaborate buyer and saller

System Design

  1. Functional Requirements
  2. Non Functional Requirements
  3. Data Storage Requirements

Functional Requirements

  • User Sign-up / Login functionality
  • User verification with OTP
  • User can become seller / buyer
  • Seller can Create / Update / Delete Products
  • Buyer can purchase product using online payment (Card / Online Banking etc)
  • Seller can receive payout
  • Email / message notification 8. Online chat with Seller & buyer

Non Functional Requirements

  • System should be to highly available in cloud with multiple region because this is C2C portal
  • System should maintain best practices to able to scale horizontally at any level
  • System should design the way can be break down to microservices
  • Loosely coupled services and communications
  • It should have mechanism for logging and monitoring to inspect services health and availability
  • System should design with documentation for better scope of usability to understand the architecture and business logic of the API usages.
  • Should follow CQRS

Data Storage Requirements

  • Should consistent or eventually consistent
  • Should follow CAP theorem
  • Distributed database system and high availability
  • High availability of Object Storage for multiple regions

Tech Stack

  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • GraphlQL
  • Serverless (AWS Lambda)
  • AWS EC2
  • AWS S3
  • AWS Cloudformation
  • AWS Api Gateway