Subscriber Management

This project is an API service where individuals create subscriptions with credit cards and perform operations related to subscriptions.



  1. Clone the project:
    git clone
  2. Install necessary dependencies with Composer:
    composer install
  3. You can copy the env-example file as .env:
    cp .env-example .env
  4. Start the Docker containers with Laravel Sail:
    ./vendor/bin/sail up
  5. Run migrations with seeding:
    ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate --seed


  • Redis queue is used as the queuing structure. Queue operations can be monitored with Laravel Horizon.
  • Postman environments and collection files are within the project. If both collections are defined, running the login method will automatically populate the token.
  • To initiate the sync operation within the project, use the following command:
    sail artisan app:sync-subscriber-from-zotlo
    sail artisan queue:work
  • The command written for reporting only prints a dump.
    sail artisan app:send-daily-report-subscribers
  • Zotlo API information needs to be added to the .env file for configuration