
Integrate into Payara (i.e.) running in Docker

Opened this issue · 1 comments

(Sorry, it is not really an issue)

Well, not everybody likes it to have it in an embedded Tomcat.

I struggled quite a while to get it running in Payara 5.201 (dockerized).

Maybe, someone is interested in how I finally got it working.

First of all, you will need a file demoapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml where you define a listener. Then a filter element with filter-name 'myFilter' and an element filter-mapping with filter-name 'myFilter'.

Second, in the pom, a dependency element with groupId 'com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat' and artifactId 'jackson-dataformat-xml' helps getting rid of a WARNING while Payara is starting up (and the demoapp is not working).

Third, in a file demoapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/payara-web.xml you better have to define an element class-loader with an attribute delegate set to 'false'.

See attachment.

This is great @oxyuranus-scutellatus . A better place to publish it might be to add it to the community forum: https://fusionauth.io/community/forum/

Thanks again!