
DeactivateUsersByIdsAsync should default to using a POST body

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When calling client.DeactivateUsersByIdsAsync, FusionAuth will default to sending this request using queryParams as in

DELETE /api/user/bulk?userId={userId}&userId={userId}&userId={userId}&userId={userId}&userId={userId}&userId={userId}&userId={userId}&userId={userId}

It should default to sending this request using a POST body as in:

DELETE /api/user/bulk

with the following example POST body:

  "dryRun": true,
  "hardDelete": false,
  "userIds": [

This change will allow for larger requests.

Related documentation and API:

Internal: original reporting issue

Will need to change or augment the source JSON for this API call:


For backwards compatibility, probably best to create a new API.json document. Maybe deactivateUsersByIdsWithBody.json or similar?

Here's an example where params are sent in the body rather than the parameter: https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-client-builder/blob/master/src/main/api/searchUsersByQuery.json