Plugin assets aren't building
ankeshanand1 opened this issue · 9 comments
NodeBB Version: v2.2.1
fusionauth-oidc Version: Latest
Here's how I built it:
./nodebb build ./nodebb start
The plugin is enabled and visible in menu but I cannot save any values. I checked /nodebb/build/public/plugins/ and fusionauth-oidc directory is missing. Here's the browser error on admin:
error loading admin/plugins/fusionauth-oidc Error: Cannot find module './plugins/fusionauth-oidc' at https://domain/assets/admin.min.js?v=jmpct9e5d4s:2:23684 at async https://domain/assets/admin.min.js?v=jmpct9e5d4s:2:36568 at async Promise.all (index 0) at async app.require (https://domain/assets/admin.min.js?v=jmpct9e5d4s:2:36384) at async https://domain/assets/admin.min.js?v=jmpct9e5d4s:2:30411
Here are the build logs:
`root@community:~/nodebb# ./nodebb build
./nodebb build
2022-06-27T13:17:49.431Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [minifier] utilizing a maximum of 0 additional threads
2022-06-27T13:17:50.441Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [build] Querying CPU core count for build strategy
2022-06-27T13:17:50.441Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [build] System returned 1 cores, opting for series build strategy
2022-06-27T13:17:50.442Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [build] building the following targets: plugin static dirs, requirejs modules, client js bundle, admin js bundle, client side styles, admin control panel styles, templates, languages
2022-06-27T13:17:50.652Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] loading the following fields from plugin data: staticDirs, modules, clientScripts, acpScripts, cssFiles, lessFiles, acpLessFiles, languageData
2022-06-27T13:17:50.663Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 less file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-composer-default
2022-06-27T13:17:50.665Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 less file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-markdown
2022-06-27T13:17:50.665Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 css file(s) for plugin nodebb-widget-essentials
2022-06-27T13:17:50.667Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 less file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone
2022-06-27T13:17:50.669Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 12 AMD-style module(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-composer-default
2022-06-27T13:17:50.669Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 3 AMD-style module(s) for plugin nodebb-theme-persona
2022-06-27T13:17:50.670Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 AMD-style module(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-markdown
2022-06-27T13:17:50.671Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-markdown
2022-06-27T13:17:50.671Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 AMD-style module(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-mentions
2022-06-27T13:17:50.671Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-mentions
2022-06-27T13:17:50.673Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-rewards-essentials
2022-06-27T13:17:50.673Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-fusionauth-oidc
2022-06-27T13:17:50.673Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 AMD-style module(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-dbsearch
2022-06-27T13:17:50.674Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 2 AMD-style module(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone
2022-06-27T13:17:50.674Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone
2022-06-27T13:17:50.674Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 1 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone
2022-06-27T13:17:50.675Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 2 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-theme-persona
2022-06-27T13:17:50.677Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] found 1 static directories for nodebb-rewards-essentials
2022-06-27T13:17:50.679Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] Found 2 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-composer-default
2022-06-27T13:17:50.681Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [plugins] found 1 static directories for nodebb-plugin-markdown
2022-06-27T13:17:50.684Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] Building in series mode
2022-06-27T13:17:50.685Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] plugin static dirs build started
2022-06-27T13:17:50.692Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] plugin static dirs build completed in 0.007sec
2022-06-27T13:17:50.692Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] requirejs modules build started
2022-06-27T13:17:50.820Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] requirejs modules build completed in 0.128sec
2022-06-27T13:17:50.820Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] client js bundle build started
2022-06-27T13:17:50.824Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] client js bundle build completed in 0.004sec
2022-06-27T13:17:50.824Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] admin js bundle build started
2022-06-27T13:17:50.826Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] admin js bundle build completed in 0.002sec
2022-06-27T13:17:50.826Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] client side styles build started
2022-06-27T13:17:58.036Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] client side styles build completed in 7.209sec
2022-06-27T13:17:58.036Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] admin control panel styles build started
2022-06-27T13:18:02.693Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] admin control panel styles build completed in 4.657sec
2022-06-27T13:18:02.693Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] templates build started
2022-06-27T13:18:02.941Z [4567/33781] - warn: [meta/templates] Partial not loaded: partials/topic/reactions.tpl
2022-06-27T13:18:03.725Z [4567/33781] - warn: [meta/templates] Partial not loaded: partials/topic/reactions.tpl
2022-06-27T13:18:03.743Z [4567/33781] - verbose: [meta/templates] Successfully compiled templates.
2022-06-27T13:18:03.743Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] templates build completed in 1.05sec
2022-06-27T13:18:03.744Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] languages build started
2022-06-27T13:18:06.799Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] languages build completed in 3.055sec
2022-06-27T13:18:06.800Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] Bundling with Webpack.
306 assets
852 modules
WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
c9273cd20328bd9c6d11b4990a39b30f.js (491 KiB)
nodebb.min.js (1.12 MiB)
admin.min.js (1.17 MiB)
8522.91481dcf9d211080cfcc.min.js (472 KiB)
4793.874eeda7b33b3d945f82.min.js (455 KiB)
WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
nodebb (1.12 MiB)
admin (1.17 MiB)
webpack 5.73.0 compiled with 2 warnings in 103130 ms
2022-06-27T13:19:50.959Z [4567/33781] - info: [build] Asset compilation successful. Completed in 120.273sec.`
It's a fresh install. Do you see any problems in it?
I have not tested this on 2.2.1 since we are still on 1.18. I looked at the changes: and it might take a bit of time to get these implented.
Hey @mooreds , @robotdan , @voidmain , @ankeshanand1
Facing similar issue, The save button is not working,
Getting below error in the browser console,
Hey @ankeshanand1 do you have any solution which could help me?
Hi @Ishankhan21
This error is because of CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). I tried addressing the issue in HTTP headers which did not solve my issue. The workaround here is to disable Google Chrome Security and then configure the plugin. Here it is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security
This will open a new Chrome windows ignoring the CORS and then you can configure the plugin successfully.
Because NodeBB is not inbuilt for SSL connections, HTTP headers inside it aren't getting forwarded in the NGINX or Apache Proxy Pass. That's the solution for my problem.
For your problem in the screenshot, it's actually downgrading your NodeBB from version 2.2.5 to version 1.19.8. I have tried all versions of NodeBB and this plugin is working correctly only in version 1.19.x . I also initially installed version 2.x which was not suitable for the plugin and as @mooreds suggested that he is using 1.18, I too downgraded to 1.18 and then upgraded one version at a time to see till which version it's working fine.
It's Version 1.19.x
Thanks @ankeshanand1 , Downgrading to version 1.19.x worked for me, Also i figured out for CORS issues i have set the CORS headers on FusionAuth application level as below , then starting chrome with extra falgs is not neended.
Thanks @ankeshanand1 , Downgrading to version 1.19.x worked for me, Also i figured out for CORS issues i have set the CORS headers on FusionAuth application level as below , then starting chrome with extra falgs is not neended.
Thanks, that solved my issue as well!😀
Hey @ankeshanand1 , I dont think this issues should be closed as extension is not working properly for latest versions above 1.19.x.
Well, it depends on the contributors to make an updated version. I am also exploring the code to see version compatibility issues. But if you insist, here it is, reopened!
Hiya folks, I will review PRs to make this plugin work with nodebb 2.x.