

Roachforlife opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Hi. So I started my journey with keymaster yesterday, using 3 Schlage BE469 (two are the zwave plus if it matters) locks. It was stuck on 'adding' so I went back and deleted everything and started over. I made sure to append _lockname to the end of all my entities for all 3 locks based on the names. I have 3 locks as mentioned, and 'front_door' being the parent of the other two. I have been successful in getting 2 of the 3 to work. It continues to hang on 'adding' (below is the debug log after setting to logger level debug.

I also saw an issue on here where someone made an automation and ran manually to set the code. In doing so I got a different error, unable to set lock usercode on lock slot2. usercode for close slot 2 not found. When check the entities I do see an error message next to it. Clicking on it shows 'unknown'. My guess is its related to this just unsure how to re-enable (it is enabled in HA depsite it saying its unavailable). This applies for code slots 1-3 which I am trying to program. I added some screenshots below.

Also to add, when I deleted keymaster, I deleted anything I could find related. When I then added my front door (parent) back, it thru a generic error. It mentioned some items already existed. Anyways it still added the integration and I did a Reload and it seemed to work fine. This happened again on the new lock with issues (and again reloading seemed to show fine). Oddly enough my last lock, it worked fine without this. I mention because Im wondering if something didnt get established right during the initial setup behind the scenes?

Lastly, and unrelated to this issue, but I see a auto close for day and night. Can I change the times (like 6pm vs 7pm) associated to each? And also what are the default times? Thank you so much

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows for me, HA for keymaster
  • Type of system that HA is running on: QNAP VM
  • Home Assistant version: 2024.3.2
  • Hassio/Docker/Core? VM
  • Component version: 0.0.88
  • Z-Wave integration name: zwave_js
  • Lock make and model: Schlage BE469ZP (zwave plus)

I have 3 locks so hard to tell which is which in the debug log but this is the only thing Im seeing that looks to be an issue (when setting via the lovelace view)

2024-03-27 15:33:48.059 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] DEBUG: Ignoring code slot with * in value for code slot 1
2024-03-27 15:33:48.060 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] Work around code in use.
2024-03-27 15:33:48.060 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] Utilizing BE469 work around code.
2024-03-27 15:33:48.061 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] DEBUG: Ignoring code slot with * in value for code slot 2
2024-03-27 15:33:48.061 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] Work around code in use.
2024-03-27 15:33:48.062 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] Utilizing BE469 work around code.
2024-03-27 15:33:48.062 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] DEBUG: Ignoring code slot with * in value for code slot 3
2024-03-27 15:33:48.063 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] Work around code in use.
2024-03-27 15:33:48.065 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.keymaster] Utilizing BE469 work around code.



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Just to add, i decided to remove the lock from zwave completely and then use the manual automation to program it, which worked. was hoping the keymaster lovelace would then connect but still stuck on adding. Any help is appreciated

Ok I spoke too soon. While it did program my lock, I see all the 'slots' are still with red exclamation showing unavailable.

Just started over with a fresh keymaster install and finally got it up. All good!