
Can't start "Quick Start" from Fyrox Game Engine Book, I get error: stream did not contain valid UTF-8

kislenko-artem opened this issue · 3 comments


My OS: Ubuntu 22.04
Windowing System: X11
Compiler version: rustc 1.70.0

I used this file (https://docs.rs/x11rb-protocol/0.13.0/src/x11rb_protocol/protocol/xproto.rs.html#25890), and now it's work. Before this action, my file was looked as:


Hi! It is strange, because CI was successful in the similar environment that you have. Did you try running cargo update, may be it will fix the issue? Also, minimum supported Rust version is 1.72.

Thank you for answer.
I cleaned everything and reinstall. Now it is working. I don't know, what it was.