Clicking on Firefox app does not start firefox
belkale opened this issue · 14 comments
Describe the bug:
Unable to start firefox by clicking on firefox app in app drawer
To Reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
- Click on username in bottom right
- Click on network to expand the dropdown
- Click on Firefox Web Browser
- Firefox does not start
- Following error is seen in ~/.cache/fyne/io.fyne.fynedesk/fynedesk.log
2022/12/23 14:54:56 At: /home/xxx/src/fynedesk/internal/x11/win/frame.go:282
2022/12/23 14:54:56 Fyne error: Put image error
2022/12/23 14:54:56 Cause: BadDrawable {NiceName: Drawable, Sequence: 6551, BadValue: 10497468, MinorOpcode: 0, MajorOpcode: 72}
2022/12/23 14:54:56 At: /home/xxx/src/fynedesk/internal/x11/win/frame.go:282
2022/12/23 14:54:56 Fyne error: X11 Error:
2022/12/23 14:54:56 Cause: BadGContext {NiceName: GContext, Sequence: 6558, BadValue: 10497470, MinorOpcode: 0, MajorOpcode: 62}
2022/12/23 14:54:56 At: /home/xxx/src/fynedesk/internal/x11/wm/desk.go:340
Device (please complete the following information):
- OS: Ubuntu Linux
- Version: 22.04.1 LTS
- Go version: 1.19.4
- FyneDesk version: b6e12b5
Firefox is installed as snap in my Ubuntu distribution.
Same problem with Rhythmbox. Does not start from app launcher.
You mention that the applications are installed as snap packages (at least for the former)? Does this happen with apt or Flatpak packages too?
I havent tried with apt or Flatpak packages. Both Firefox and Rhythmbox came by default in my Ubuntu distribution and both dont seem to work with Fynedesk. However, if I run from a terminal both work even in Fynedesk.
It would be useful if you could try other package formats. That way we can narrow it down to see if it is snap specific.
I could locate the firefox desktop file. The exec path there is
Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/firefox_firefox.desktop /snap/bin/firefox -new-window
and based on
func (data *fdoApplicationData) Run(env []string) error
command would be first argument which is env. Could that be causing the problem?
Verified that having env in the beginning is the problem. Changed firefox desktop file and changed Exec to keep just /snap/bin/firefox and it worked fine.
It would be useful to add a debug level to fyne desktop and as part of debug print the current command being run.
In case of Rhythmbox, there are multiple Exec within desktop. First one is for starting Rhythmbox but the rest are for play/pause etc. But while reading we pick the last Exec and this makes the exec use the wrong command. Instead of rhythmbox, we use rhythmbox-client.
Exec=rhythmbox %U
Exec=rhythmbox-client --play-pause
Exec=rhythmbox-client --next
Exec=rhythmbox-client --previous
Exec=rhythmbox-client --quit
Looks like there is a Go implementation
has this issue been resolved?
has this issue been resolved?
Not yet. The issue was opened just two days ago and there are no PRs or commits that mention fixing this yet.
alright thank's will try to fix it
Thanks. The code should be limited to the xdg code, as we have "app launcher" abstraction and this just refers to the .desktop spec. Do jump on to #fynedesk on Gophers Slack if you wish to chat further.