
Edge case: If .cache is on different filesystem (eg btrfs subvolume), make install won't work

nadir-ishiguro opened this issue · 1 comments

first: thank you for your extension. Love it!

When I tried to install from a current commit, I got the error Can't recursively copy directory at the make install step.

I first thought the issue was somehow with the extension, but I found out it's actually a Gnome issue.

I have my .cache directory on a different subvolume to exclude it from btrfs snapshots. Kind of an edge case, but I thought you might want to add that to the readme so that people don't think it's the fault of your extension.

I installed it by just manually unzipping directly into ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions and it worked just fine.

Thanks again!

G-dH commented

Hey, thanks for the heads up! Glad you like V-Shell, feel free to report any bug you find.