
Simple Javascript library for generating ics files on the client-side.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ical.js is a small piece of Javascript code, which generates for download ical calendar files on the client side.


git clone https://github.com/G-ram/ics.js

<script src="ical.js"></script>


Blob.js - Github

	<script src="http://rawgithub.com/eligrey/Blob.js/master/Blob.js"></script>

Filesaver.js - Github

	<script src="http://rawgithub.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/master/FileSaver.js"></script>


var cal = new calendar("g-ram//calendar");

	UID: "RaNd0mN0nSeNSe"
	DTSTART: new Date(),
    DTEND: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600000),
    SUMMARY: "Test Event",
    DESCRIPTION: "This is a test",
    LOCATION: "Hamilton 406",
    ORGANIZER: "Me",
    URL: "http://www.snazzystudios.com",
    EXDATE: ICSFormatDate(new Date().getTime() - 1200000)+","+ICSFormatDate(new Date().getTime() + 4800000),
    RRULE: "FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL="+ICSFormatDate(new Date().getTime() + 3600000)



new calendar(PRODID)

Use this method to create a new calendar object. PRODID is a string that represent the calendar's PRODID element (see documentation on ICS files for more information)


Add an event. Options is an plain object, that configure the event.

options.UID (String)

Event UID. If not set, an UID will be generated randomly.

options.DTSTART (Date Object, required)

Appointment date of beginning

options.DTEND (Date Object, required)

Appointment date of end

options.SUMMARY (String)

Appointment summary

options.DESCRIPTION (String)

Appointment description

options.LOCATION (String)

Appointment location

options.ORGANIZER (String)

Appointment organizer

options.EXDATE (String)

List of dates to exclude for a repeated event (see documentation on ICS files for more information)

options.RRULE (String)

Recurrence rule (see documentation on ICS files for more information)

options.URL (String)

Appointment Website


Downloads the ics file. "filename" is a string that is the name of the ics file to be downloaded. The program will automatically tack on an ".ics" ending to the filename.


Return calendar as a String.


Reset the calender object.


Formats any date object into the format that .ics files require.

ICSFormatDate(new Date(2014,5,1));

##Browser Support

Supported Browsers

Browser Constructs as Filenames Max Blob Size Dependencies
Firefox 20+ Blob Yes 800 MiB None
Firefox < 20 data: URI No n/a Blob.js
Chrome Blob Yes 345 MiB None
Chrome for Android Blob Yes ? None
IE 10+ Blob Yes 600 MiB None
Opera 15+ Blob Yes 345 MiB None
Opera < 15 data: URI No n/a Blob.js
Safari 6.1+* Blob No ? None
Safari < 6 data: URI No n/a Blob.js

###Note: Safari may not entirely support this library