
Invalid number on fish

CodeByMeow opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Interesting, I didn't know if it supported fish at all... as a temporary fix, you could change the USRC variable from $(randcolor) to something like '\e[38;2;50;168;82;1m'

Please let me know if this fixes it, if not, I can try to work with you on a fix

In fact, Fish doesn't work for me at all, I get an error:

Yeah! It worked, but I feed my terminal delay a couple of seconds when switch workspace :(

That is probably due to the update checker, what distro are you on?
You can disable it by commenting out the updates line

I use Manjaro with bspwm. I will disable updates .

Sounds good, thank you for using it

Sounds good, thank you for using it

It faster now thank for your help โœŒ๏ธ

As a quick hack you can run it through bash whenever you start fish:

function fish_greeting
    bash ~/.welcome/welcome.sh
funcsave fish_greeting```

Yes, that is a good solution. I guess the optimal solution would be to rewrite it in fish for optimal support