
Invalid Number Error (printf)

ClonkDroid opened this issue · 5 comments

Every run of the Script, printf complains about an invalid number:

./welcome.sh: Zeile 164: printf: 37.378: Ungültige Zahl.
./welcome.sh: Line 164: printf: 37.378: Invalid Number.

The number is random every run, considering the error is spawned in the random number generator.

adding export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" to my .bashrc fixed it.
Maybe that should be added to the description

Interesting, I'll look into it, I assume this is a unicode issue then

I think my solution will be to add export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" to the beginning of the Welcome script, to ensure numbers are processed properly

@ClonkDroid I pushed an update that should hopefully fix it, if you update you should be good!

Sadly, adding it to the end of the file doesnt work for some reason. I have created a new commit placing the statement in the right place

Oh, thank you. I'll merge it, and push an update