
Various sketches related to interfacing with my NES-001

Primary LanguageArduino


Various sketches related to interfacing with my NES-001


Uses a Pro Trinket(5V) to read input from a NES controller. Note: This is installed in such a way to tap the data going from the controller to the NES, so the latch and clock data are not generated by the arduino.


An extension of the previous code, this watches and logs the controller to serial. Additionally it looks for a specific key combination and uses that to toggle an IO line high or low. Normally this is just connected to an LED bulb, so there is no Fritzing layout to this. The combo I have been using is Start-Select-Up, but it's dead easy to change. The code does wait for a moment to be sure you meant this combo, mostly because my clock detection code is buggy and sometimes throws a bad set of keypresses.


Since we don't generate control signals to the controller yet, just read them, we can only watch for magic key presses when the NES is on and scanning the controller. For now, we modify the code a bit to allow it to turn off the power when the magic keypress has been done.