
[Feature Request] Support EIP-1193 Provider API

BrettCleary opened this issue · 0 comments


As a user of web3.unreal, I would like to interface directly with a provider object in C++ or in Blueprints that matches the EIP-1193 spec and subscribe to its events.

Provider API Methods

  • request
  • on
  • removeListener

Provider Events

  • message
  • connect
  • disconnect
  • chainChanged
  • accountsChanged


Currently only HyperPlay and 3rd party HTTP providers are supported for request only

Support for websocket provider connections to HyperPlay or 3rd party providers should be added

  • or HTTP polling

Use Cases

  • Listening to a contract event from client or server code in Unreal Engine
  • Prompting the user to reconnect if a disconnect event is fired
  • Updating the account address or chainId in game if the user changes which account is connected in hyperplay