Constraint Conflict Resolution or .gms file
avinashresearch1 opened this issue · 1 comments
It currently appears as if conflict resolution of constraints (e.g., using compute_conflict! is not supported even though the connected GAMS solver (like BARON) supports it. Is it possible to set up such an option or alternatively print out a .gms file such that we can do it manually?
That's a good idea. We will look into this. However, I can't promise any short term solution for supporting compute_conflict!
. Note that the GAMS Optimizer will always write the file moi.gms
in the working directory, which is the GAMS equivalent of your JuMP model. You can use this file to perform the conflict analysis. Unfortunately, the variable and equation names have generic names (numbering ordered by addition time), so it may be difficult for you to map the variables / equations back again.