
Nodejs tutorial made for Ben-Gurion University students - making of a blackjack game Nodejs server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Nodejs tutorial made for Ben-Gurion University students - making of a blackjack game Nodejs server.


This repository is a server template made for the BlackJack Frontend project (Can be found here: https://github.com/GBT3101/FrontEndTool-BGU)

Please read these instructions till the end before you start coding! :)


Make sure you have git, npm and Nodejs 7.2.0 installed on your pc.

Install git (windows) - https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/install-git#windows

Install node (& npm) - https://nodejs.org/en/download/

  1. First, open your command line and clone / download this project to your pc:
git clone https://github.com/GBT3101/Nodejs-Tutorial-BGU.git
cd Nodejs-Tutorial-BGU
  1. We want you to focus on NodeJS, so everything else is already set up (node modules, etc), just run this line to run the server.
node server.js

If you see "I am listening" on your cmd, you are doing fine, the server is up.

  1. Let's make sure our server is ready, enter localhost:3100 with any browser, do you see the message This is the blackjack server, what do you want?? Awesome, everything works just fine and you are ready to program the API.

Deck Utils

If you have sharp eyes, you might have noticed deckUtils.js file, No need to touch this code, this is an exported JavaScript file that being imported into server.js, check out the code and see how it's being used, it's very straightforward.

The deck is an array of cards:

card is an object that looks like that: {strength: number, color: number}. Example: {strength: 5, color: 3} is actually 5 hearts. if you want to know more - read the comments in the code, everything is explained there. Also, you are free to experiment as you please with console.log.

deck is an array of cards, for example:

[ {strength: 1, color: 0 }, {strength: 5, color: 2 }, {strength: 13, color: 3 } ]

Implementing the API

  1. get /drawCard

This query will send back the client a card.

hint: res.send(___) will send back to the client, for example: res.send({strength: 1, color: 1}) will send the client an ace of spades.

hint: deck[currentDeckIndex] is the next card in the deck.

  1. post /postWinner

This query receives a json object: {winner: string} which is req.body, for example: if you've received {winner: "dealer"}it means that the match has ended and the dealer won.

You should post this object to a DataBase.

hint: req.body.winner will get you the string, if {winner: "player"} => req.body.winner == "player"

  1. put /insertCard

This is the best query, because it's your way to ensure you always win against the dealer, this time you can't use the FrontEnd app to use it since it's not implemented there, you should do it yourself.

hint: remember that deck[currentDeckIndex] is the next card in the deck, you can change that. for example: deck[currentDeckIndex] = {strength: 10, color: 0} will insert Jack of clubs as the next card in deck.

hint: Use PostMan to send the card. read more about PostMan here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/postman/fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop?hl=en

hint: use Hit Me in the Web Application to see if you actually inserted the right card.

Good Luck!