
Improve GUI

ashwini0529 opened this issue · 10 comments

Improve GUI

In what ways do you want to improve the GUI? I have a little of knowledge of Qt, I can help if you want.

Maybe putting the console output in a console-like widget would look nicer.

The app looks completely functional but UI always helps.
Adding enhancements and placing things where they look perfect could be a great start.
@checor why don't you try out something from your side and share the screenshot? 😄

Sure! I will try in the evening.

Seeing your screenshots, I assume this project is for Linux, or does it works on Windows too?

@checor Are you on it?


Apologies for the delay.

I will try something in the night if you are ok with that.


Did you made the GUI using .ui files? It would be nice to have them. Or, should I edit the generated files?

In case you don't have them, or you don't want to add it to the source, I've done the changes directly to the generated source. Will look like this:


Should I add a font to the resources system, or try to use a font the system had already instaled? I want to use a monospaced font.

The starting page gave me the gist of the package. After looking at the screen I felt the install/update/uninstall screens looked consistent except search option. Why not search on update/uninstall screens? Is the screen not same for all the 3 options with the dynamically changing buttons/data?

@SubhashiniTatipamula You're quite right about the consistency and yes the search bar can surely be added to update/uninstall screens. I didn't add them when I wrote the program because the number of packages in these categories would be significantly less and hence didn't feel much need of a search segment. But if you wish, you can surely add it.

Just chiming in to add this:
On Windows with scaling enabled, the UI is unusable. This is 225%.

At 100% it looks fine again ;)