
[Lesson 14. Multiplying Part 1 Practice] Incorrect math calculation regarding max_health value, appears to level up twice when my code only asks it to level up once

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[Lesson 14. Multiplying Part 1 Practice]

The goal is stated as:

Increase level by 1.
Increase max_health by 10%.

The code I have to write is correct, and it is also the intended solution:

var level = 1
var max_health = 100

func level_up():
level += 1
max_health *= 1.1

However, the end result is incorrect:

  • The robot's health should be 110, because 100 multiplied by 1.1 should equal 110.
  • However, the robot's health actually ends at 121.
  • It marks my answer as correct, because my code is correct.
  • However, the total health becoming 121 implies that the the max_health is being multiplied twice, and therefore the robot is leveling up twice, rather than once.
  • The robot should end at level 2 with 110 health.
  • However, the robot is actually ends at level 3 with 121 health.
  • The level up animation also plays twice on the robot, confirming this. (Wasn't sure whether to make this a bug report or a content issue)