
New thumbnail for example / showcase

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The thumbnail of the showcase / example game I, Elairyx, have submitted called

» Seven Nights At Rikey's

could be improved so I made another thumbnail for it and would kindly ask the team to take this as the new thumbnail for the game .
Please feel free to resize the image or mention me if something should be wrong or if I should provide a smaller version of the image etc..
Also, I think a moderator can remove the "bug" label since it's not really a bug. (1704x958)


Thank you!

Bouh commented

The image has been updated, it will be visible in a few hours, let me know (ping me here) if needed.

@Bouh The thumbnail still shows the old image for me. Could it be that it's cached and won't load the new image?

Bouh commented

It works :) Yes, maybe a cache problem!