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TraslateExample | Show how to translate your game

To show an idea of ​​how to translate your game, so that your game reaches more people with its respective translation.
Use 1 global variable, 1 scene variable to read the Save, use some sprites like buy sell, text explaining how it works.
I consider it important since it translates your game and your game is not left in a language that would be English or Spanish

Check list

I have followed all best practices

  • My game has its own name in the game properties.
  • The name of my game package after it with com.example..
  • My game has all the events developed.
  • I have added myself as an author in the game properties.
  • I have included a file called "" with a description in correct English, explaining what this example does.
  • I confirm that this game and all its resources can be integrated into this GitHub repository, distributed and licensed by MIT.
  • I have cleaned up unused resources.