
Showcase video scene creation and tutorial demonstrating open land

delebash opened this issue · 3 comments

I think making a complete scene creation tutorial would help get more people interested in open land. Something high quality like the Australia project that was just released on the market place. Of course not as big just a small scene with trees, grass, cliff, river, mountains all using 8k textures from mega scans. The scene should showcase the use of the paint layers such as mud, sand, snow and so on. The current default map is a nice place to start but it would be cool to showcase a photo realistic beautiful scene and how easy it is to make with open land. Maybe after you complete the biome. Cheers!

A tutorial creating a scene like would be a wonderful showcase of what open land can do. When all the features are available to create this.

Oh yes, that's on the horizon for sure. The default one is just to get started & to learn.
I was talking to some people about getting some help too.
I will ping you when there's something on that.

One more thing to point. Here's why I am not rushing on this yet.

OpenLand still needs some key features like biomes, mods support, etc.
So, in the meantime, we will do some major changes.
If we create a tutorial like this, then some of those will be outdated.

I want to OpenLand to be a bit stable on the feature side & once it's there I am planning to create a FREE course on creating something like that. That's where I talked to some people about doing some collab. Maybe you can join me too :D