
Node Remote is a nodejs probject which offers a very simple way to create your own pc remote for various programs.

Primary LanguageHTML


Node Remote is a nodejs/autohotkey project for Windows which offers a very simple way to create your own pc-remote for various programs. Keep in mind that this is a very simple approach to a create remotes.

  • basically: when you press a button, it will activate the specific program and then send a hotkey
  • The program has to be activatable(it has to be an active Tab in the browser)

VLC netflix twitch

currently supported node-remotes

How to install

  • install nodejs
  • clone this repository or download .zip version
  • download AutoHotkey.exe
  • extract the AutoHotkey.exe into the root folder
  • open the command line (cmd) in the root folder and run the following command:
  npm install
  • (optional) For Emby and Soundcloud support install the Gresemonkey/Tampermonkey extension for your browser

How to use

  • start server: run the "start_node-remote.bat" or cmd "node app.js"
  • open node-remote: use browser and go to "localhost:8888" or "youripadress:8888"

How it works

  • Example:
    • User navigates to "usersipadress:8888" in the browser
    • User presses a button on the VLC node-remote
    • this will make the browser request a new webpage with parameters from the nodejs server
    • nodejs will execute an autohotkey script, which will activate VLC and send the associated hotkey