
Fatal kinematic error when running eH events with GEM21

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I am running GENIE e-H events with GEM21_11a:

gevgen -p 11 -n 100000 -t 1000010010 -r 1110000100100 --seed 1210931039 --cross-sections /pnfs/genie/persistent/users/jtenavid/e4nu_files/GENIE_Files/2024Splines/GEM21_11a_Dipole_master_eFreeNucleon.xml --event-generator-list EMQE --tune GEM21_11a_00_000 -o e_on_1000010010_0.ghep.root -e 4.325

In this case, the SUSA model is not used as we are running on H targets and it attempts to use Rosembluth with the incorrect phase space. I get the following error:

1711532995 FATAL KineLimits : [s] <Jacobian (330)> : *** Can not compute Jacobian for transforming: <{Q2}|E> --> <QELEvGen>
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'genie::exceptions::InteractionException'
  what():  Can not compute Jacobian for transforming: <{Q2}|E> --> <QELEvGen>