Cannot parse dbc files with special symbols, e.g., "°C" as Unit

EFeru opened this issue · 2 comments

EFeru commented


Thank you for the great work on this tool!

Maybe it is a minor one, but I thought is good to let you know. As the title says, when I load a dbc file that has special symbols like "°C", the tool is not able to load the dbc file.

It took me quite some time to pin point where the issue was. I had special symbols only in the Unit column, so I am not sure about other places like Comment filelds. Once I replaced with "degC" it worked. Maybe, you guys can check why it does that.
I did create a dbc parser/reader myself in .NET you can find it here and I didn't have this issue. But this tool could be different.


also from my side, thanks for the Tool! I also found a minor "bug" in the dbc-File import.
It bugs if you import "6.10352e-05". Changing it to "6.10352E-05" solves the issus....

Note for other users have possible trouble with the dbc-file:
Start CANdevStudio from the comandline. If the ist an error while importing you will see something like this:
[error] [dbcparser.cpp@66] Parser log 96:37 syntax error, unexpected 'e', expecting <double>.
where 96 ist the line and 37 the colum