Update State Specs for *-expansion in Long Names

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@darianboggs recently added the ability in MAPL to expand * in long name with the ACG:


This feature will be in the next version of MAPL (2.34.0) which will be released "soon". As such, this is an issue reminder to update the state specs in files where star-expansion is done. At the moment I think it's only in CA:

*MASS | kg kg-1 | xyz | C | | Carbonaceous Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio
*CONC | kg m-3 | xyz | C | | Carbonaceous Aerosol Mass Concentration

but others might use it in branches in development? The above lines should become:

 NAME         | UNITS        | DIMS  | VLOC  | UNGRIDDED                      | LONG NAME
 *MASS        | kg kg-1      | xyz   | C     |                                | * Carbonaceous Aerosol Mass Mixing Ratio
 *CONC        | kg m-3       | xyz   | C     |                                | * Carbonaceous Aerosol Mass Concentration

as an example. Note you want to make sure you have the space so this:

* Carbonaceous ...


*Carbonaceous ...

as the Python will do:

CA.bcCarbonaceous ...

for the latter.

Note also as of GEOS-ESM/MAPL#1899, the %d is also expanded. So if you update specs with the * you will get:

        float BCDP001(time, lat, lon) ;
                BCDP001:long_name = "CA.bc Carbonaceous Aerosol Dry Deposition (Bin 001)" ;

MAPL 2.34 should be released today.

Wait. I just realized this isn't quite right. I need to work with @darianboggs.