
Include MEaSUREs glacier IDs as metadata

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Include MEaSUREs glacier IDs as metadata

Implemented (for @nbkglaciology ). Algorithm assigns the nearest Moon 2008 / NSIDC 0642 Glacier ID to each gate. This works in most places. In some places, it does not work well.

In image below, this product gate ID is red, Moon 2008 is black w/ white buffer.

See this product gates 176, and more extreme, 175.

The algorithm could be improved to assign the nearest gate within X km, and then leave some gates with no Moon 2018 ID?


Alternately, provide two new colunms: Moon_2008 (glacier ID) and Moon_2008_dist (distance from this gate to that point. This would allow users to filter 'far' gates.

Status: Waiting on feedback from @nbkglaciology