A basic chess game developed based on java
- Basic game logic
- Perform most of the pieces' movements such as "promotion" and "En passant" (although "castling" and other non-intuitive movements are not included).
- Prompt possible moves and notify if the player is checked.
- Terminate the game when there is stalemate or checkmate.
- Simple logging of players' actions (which can only store up to five actions temporarily)
- Operations to manipulate the game such as undo and restart
- Custom game with two custom pieces
- Apprentice: A class that inherits Pawn's logic, with additional ability to perform "En passant" on every turn. It can only promote to wizard class.
- Wizard: An advanced class that only apprentice can promote to. A wizard can move in Rook's logic and Bishop's alternately with first move in Bishop's logic.
- Basic game logic
- Implement all the pieces' movements.
- Implement all the other conditions that should terminate the game (in a tie).
- Game operations
- Add "redo" as complement of "undo".
- Add "export" / "import" functionalities to save / load the game to / from a file (probably in JSON).
- Typo corrections