Metric Description Does Not Interpret Variables and Functions
otaviomarco opened this issue · 2 comments
otaviomarco commented
I have variables and functions in my metric description, for example:
Soma do valor bruto das transações em M-0
I modified the extension to concatenate the complete expression, being as follows:
description = "='" + row.cells[1].qText + "' & chr(10) & 'Expressão: " + row.cells[3].qText + "'";
The value of row.cells[3].qText is: row.cells[3].qText is:
Sum({<[Transação.Data.Período] = {"$(=Date(AddMonths(MonthStart(Max([Transação.Data.Simples])), -0 ), 'YYYY-MM'))"}>}[Valor Bruto])
But when I run the "Create Measure" extension, it does not interpret as functions and variables, keeping a string literal. The Qlik you will interpret when entering the metric and clicking save.
Is there any form of correction?
The output of the above case would be:
Soma do valor bruto das transações em M-0
Expressão: Sum({<[Transação.Data.Período] = {"2019-04"}>}[Valor Bruto])
caiocaminoski commented
We have the same problem here. Any ideas?
GINQO commented
Hi, i'm looking at creating a new version of the Master Item Manager very soon. We'll make sure to patch this issue then.