
ppc32_exec_DIVW can produce the wrong result in stable

flaviojs opened this issue · 0 comments

The issue is already fixed in unstable.

The registers of this operation are supposed to be interpreted as signed numbers.
The temporary variables a and b have an unsigned type, which can produce a bad result with negative registers.

a b unsigned signed
-1 2 ((m_uint32_t)-1) / 2 = 2147483647 -1 / 2 = 0
-1 -2 ((m_uint32_t)-1) / ((m_uint32_t)-2) = 0 -1 / -2 = 2
1 -1 1 / ((m_uint32_t)-1) = 0 1 / -1 = -1

Discovered while converting to rust.