Multi-component condensate simulations

Opened this issue · 4 comments

leios commented

We should be able to simulate multi-component BEC's

Hi Leois,

Thanks for developing and maintaining the program! Will the multicomponent feature be implemented soon? I hope to simulate some spinor-bec physics. Thanks!

leios commented

We just had our first tests of multicomponent systems working a few days ago, now we just need to make it usable and mess around a bit with dynamic variables. I'm traveling this week, but it's my primary focus for GPUE development the week I get back!

That's awesome, thanks! In addition, I wonder if there's a feature in the ground state calculation that stops the imaginary time propagation when the wave function converges (for instance, stoping the calculation when the maximum difference of the wave function or energy difference between the previous step and the current step is less then a certain value). Thanks!

leios commented

This is a feature we were thinking about adding in. It would require running the energy calculation and watching it until it levels out. In the past, we decided against this feature, because it was sometimes difficult to determine how long this would actually take when requesting time on a supercomputer for large vortex lattices. I would be willing to add this feature in after working on the dynamic variables.

Would you be able to open a new issue for this?