
Compressonator SDK for linux on releases

IkerGalardi opened this issue · 1 comments

I think it can be valuable to include the compressonator SDK in the release for linux also. The archive should include the next items:

  • Compressonator static/dynamic libraries.
  • Include files

An example for me is the DirectXShaderCompiler linux release archive, which follows the next structure:

├── bin
│   └── dxc
├── include
│   └── dxc
│       ├── dxcapi.h
│       ├── dxcerrors.h
│       ├── dxcisense.h
│       └── WinAdapter.h
├── lib─
│   ├──
│   └──
├── LICENSE-MS.txt

This could be helpful for anyone developing for linux as they would only need to wget the archive, and include the necessary files in their respective build systems. Now, the developer needs to "fight" with the build instructions and is only limited to build on a single distro without doing any hacks with the environment preparation scripts.

@IkerGalardi Thanks for the suggestion! We'll look into potentially doing this in the future.