

An ansible role to setup and configure Kodi Mysql Database. This role creates empty Music and Videos Databases with preconfigured media paths.


This role requires Ansible 2.0 or higher. Platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.


List of tasks that will be performed under kodi-mysql role:

  • Install MySQL Server
  • Configure MySQL Server to Listen on All Interfaces
  • Create MySQL User for Kodi Music and Videos Databases with preconfigured media paths
  • If Music and Videos Databases are already in place, skip database import

Role Variables

# defaults file for kodi-mysql
kodi_mysql_enabled: yes

# Helper Variable.
kodi_mysqldb_host: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"

kodi_mysqldb_user: kodi
kodi_mysqldb_password: kodi


  • GR360RY.htpc-common role. Creates htpc user and media folders
# defaults file for htpc-common

htpc_user_username: htpc
htpc_user_password: htpc
htpc_user_group: htpc
htpc_user_shell: /bin/bash
htpc_user_sudo_access: yes
htpc_ssh_service: yes
htpc_create_media_folders: yes
htpc_zeroconf: yes
htpc_media_path: /mnt/media
htpc_media_movies: movies
htpc_media_tv: tv
htpc_media_music: music
htpc_media_pictures: pictures
htpc_downloads_complete: "{{ htpc_media_path }}/downloads/complete"
htpc_downloads_incomplete: "{{ htpc_media_path }}/downloads/incomplete"

Example Playbook

Configure Kodi Mysql Database:

    - hosts: htpc


        kodi_mysqldb_user: foo
        kodi_mysqldb_password: bar

        - role: GR360RY.kodi-mysql

Configure Kodi together with Kodi Mysql Database ( download GR360RY.kodi-client role ):

    - hosts: htpc

        - role: GR360RY.kodi-client
        - role: GR360RY.kodi-mysql

HHTPC-Ansible Project

This role is part of HTPC-Ansible project that includes additional roles for building Ubuntu Based HTPC Server.

Complete list of Ansible Galaxy roles is below:

Additional Info is available at www.htpc-ansible.org



Author Information

Gregory Shulov