
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


ISC Bind DHCP Server with Ldap Backend.

Setting Up Development Environment

Install Prerequisites

Install virtualenv:

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

On Mac:

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv

Install VirtualBox:

On Ubuntu:

sudo echo "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian trusty contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3

On Mac:

Download VirtualBox and install from DMG file.

Install Vagrant:

On Ubuntu:

sudo dpkg -i https://dl.bintray.com/mitchellh/vagrant/vagrant_1.7.1_x86_64.deb

On Mac:

Download Vagrant and install from DMG file.

Get the Source

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/GR360RY/dhcpawn.git
cd ~/dhcpawn

Development and deployment

Deploy DHCPawn to the vagrant DHCP server:

python manage.py deploy --dest=vagrant

DHCPawn is will run on port 80 of the virtual host, which is forwarded to port 10080. To see a list of registered hosts, use the DHCPawn API:

curl http://localhost:10080/api/hosts/

DHCPawn can also be run locally for easier debugging. To use the vagrant host as a PostgreSQL and LDAP server, set the following:

export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://dhcpawn:dhcpawn@localhost:15432/dhcpawn
export LDAP_DATABASE_URI=ldap://localhost:10389

and run:

python manage.py testserver

This starts a local Flask process on port 8000. Note that this, and the deployment, create a python virtualenv at .env/. To utilize this virtualenv outside of manage.py, run:

source .env/bin/activate


DHCPawn uses a REST API. More complete documentation will be added soon, but the following is an example of adding cl01 to a test group:

curl http://localhost:10080/api/groups/ -d '{"name":"testgroup"}' -X POST
curl http://localhost:10080/api/hosts/ -d '{"name":"cl01","mac":"08:00:27:26:7a:e7","group":"1"}' -X POST

Connecting to Backend Ldap

Install Apache Directory Studio (Download Link). Configure Apache Directory Studio to connect to LDAP:

Hostname: localhost
Port: 10389
Bind DN or User: cn=Manager,dc=dhcpawn,dc=net
Bind password: dhcpawn
Encryption Method: No encryption

Starting up the clients

Clients are provided to test address allocation. Their MAC addresses are predefined in the Vagrantfile. To start up DHCP clients:

vagrant up cl01
vagrant up cl02

Database migrations

Migrations in DHCPawn use alembic. Running

python manage.py deploy

will automatically migrate any database changes already in the migrations/ directory. To migrate new changes, run (with the environment variable SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI properly set to your database):

python manage.py db revision

Be sure to review the alembic migration file generated in migrations/ before deploying.

Database population

To populate the database with the example data provided in sample_data.yml, first make sure the database is clean (warning: this will overwrite all existing data, both in Postgres and LDAP):

python manage.py db drop --ldap

and that the database tables have been set up:

python manage.py db upgrade

Then the data can be populated using the populate command:

python manage.py populate

This simply sends POST requests with the data in the provided yaml file, so it could be used to send a large configuration to an existing DHCPawn instance:

python manage.py populate --host dhcpawnserver --port 80 --filename configuration.yml