
Hello ! troubling installing

jmew1989 opened this issue · 21 comments

First, Thank you so much for sharing this. It would be a great thing for me if I could import those models into maya.

For now, I haven't really succeded to make it work.
I installed python27 32bit following all the instructions.
Then I didn't really understand where to put what, so I didn't move anything and I ran by double clicking.
Then I got this :

I thought there must be something wrong, but I tried running the script anyway with mel/python command.
I succesfully opened the importing window, but when I chose my pmx file, it didn't work. I got this :

maya.cmds.loadmmd ()

Error: RuntimeError: file line 2: WindowsError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\\ line 896: 2

Can you help me making it work ? I would appreciate so much !

All the best

Hi, jmew!

So, did you disabled the User Account Control?
or, please run the on the administrator rights.


Hi, thanks for your reply !
I disabled the UAC and tried again i still says intallation failed "failed to copy MMD HumanIK.xml"
Where should I put what before lunching ? Is it everything to install the maya plugin ?
And when I try to import the pmx I get te same error..

Sorry I am an animator and don't know much about scripts and plugins ...

Thank you !

Hi, jmew!
So, I don't bethink of solving your problem.
I teach manually installation to you.

Please move MMD HumanIK.xml to
If you don't exsist "HIKCharacterizationTool4" folder, I want to screenshot on your Autodesk folder.

For example, my USER_FOLDER is "C:\Users\Eiichi".

Please move Kakasi folder to "C:".
If you put Kakasi folder under "C:", replace all files.

I want to your report.

Hey Eiichi,

Here is my screenshot of the Autodesk folder, there isn't any folder like you said.

thanks again for taking your time!

Hi, jmew!
OK, please running Maya.
Open the [Window]-[Setting/Preference]-[Plugin-Manager].
Find mayaHIK.mll as checking Load and Auto Load.

Maybe, Maya will be making HIKCharacterizationTool4 folder.
Please Reopen Autodesk folder after enable mayaHIK.mll.

Hi Eiichi !
It was already enabled in load and auto load ..

Ah ! But I tried something : I went to maya skeleton>HumanIK and I created a random skeleton with it.
Then it created the folder ! :D
Now the installation was succesful without failing.

But I still have to import the plugin manually, it doesn't automatically show up in manager.

And when I import the pmx file, it makes the same error .. :S

Thank you !

Hi jmew!
I had felt easy that you got to solve one problem.

I solve the next problem.
So, did you copied the kakasi folder on C drive?


And, I need a screenshot of the Script Editor!

Hi Eiichi,

Yes, I copied the kakasi folder.

Here is the screenshot of the script editor after I tried to import the pmx file !

Thanks !!

Here is a version better zoomed on the script !

Hi, jmew!

Thanks for your screenshot.
I think this problem that maybe Maya2015 can't running the outside process.
I will have reformed this problem for a little while.
I'm so sorry. I should be found an alternative method.
If you are student now, please join the Autodesk education program as use Maya2014.


Hi there !

Aww.. I actually also have maya 2014, and have tried everything in both versions haha ....


Hi jmew!
What did you imported character?

Hi again !
Um pretty much every pmx files I have (more than 50...) It's user ripped characters, rigged and stuff..
It's strange ...

Are you sure I don't have to move the mmd-transporter folder to somewhere before lunching ? maya/bin/plug-ins for exemple ?
I feel like I missed something important in the installation process ....

Hi jmew!
So, must be include on mmd-transporter folder. is putting kakasi and MMD HumanIK.xml onto each relevant folders.

You have a problem what throw an exception by
I think to do bad things Windows8's security. errors were carried by Windows8 users lol

So, maybe I must refactor for around using
I don't know you are going to success to install mmd-transporter on Windows8 at present...

OH no !! you're right, I'm using windows8 ...

No mmd transporter then ? T^T

I don't have windows8 ...
I'm so sorry ...
Please wait for solving a problem later...




エラー: line 1: RuntimeError: file line 2: WindowsError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\bin\\ line 896: 2

使用環境はmaya 2014 windows 7です
読み込んだモデル:初音ミクappend 初音ミク・ハイポリモデルVer1.31b(ちゃーりぃ式)

jmew1989さんとのコメントを見るとこのエラーはwindows 8環境だからでるという結論がでたと思いますが
windows 7でも同様のエラーがでています

こちらの環境で初音ミク・ハイポリモデルVer1.31b(ちゃーりぃ式)を試しましたところ,UvMorphの存在するモデル(MMD TransporterはUVモーフ未対応です)なので以下のエラー文が出ます.

RuntimeError: file line 2: ParseException: file C:/Users/Eiichi/Documents/GitHub/mmd-transporter/lib\pymeshio\pmx\ line 210: not implemented UvMorph



使用しているセキュリティソフト:ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4

windows 7 64bit
GTX 680
メモリ 16GB