
Write/gather/edit content for the overview of 10x

Closed this issue · 5 comments

it should include …

  • review a number of the overviews of 10x that have already been written
  • look at what's on the demo site
  • pick or piece together the best one (1-2 sentences)

it's done when …

  • the team has agreed upon the content and there are no more comments/suggestions in the doc

This might be a good task for Shawnique to start with, depending on start date.

Gonna tackle this one and have Shawnique concentrate on the user research+recruiting later on

Core questions:

  • What is 10x? (pull from existing content)
  • What sort of pitches are you looking for?
  • How do I pitch? (Mostly punt to “Pitch an Idea” section (#40), but need to answer “Is the CFP open rn?”.)
    • What are the steps? What makes a good pitch? (Answered in “Pitch an Idea” section?)
    • What is a good pitch? (Answered in “Pitch an Idea” section?)
    • Can I pitch something right now? When is the next round of pitches open?
    • How often is the call for submissions open?

The how do I pitch has it's own section in the iA but we have not gone so far as to decide if that's a separate section/page of the website or included on the home page or a mix of things. But also keep in mind #40 (mostly to not duplicate work)

Created a branch for this draft: 586d4cb

I think it is good enough to review and start prototyping the front page design and testing the content.