
OGC friendly review of content to look out for potential gotcha's

Closed this issue · 2 comments

it should include …

  • reach out to OGC to check for gotcha's
  • check with Lane to find out who to reach out to and best way to approach

it's done when …

  • we receive comments from OGC

From our POC in Legal:

Hi Will,

Happy Monday to you as well. I am not aware of any requirements to obtain legal clearance unless you are looking to post potentially compromising content such as floor plans, COOP plans, PII, Software or technical information that could put GSA resources at risk, or similar information. GSA has an Order and guidelines on managing GSA's digital presence that you will want to review if you have not already done so.

  1. 2140.2 OSC Management of GSA's Digital Presence

  2. Guidelines for GSA's Digital Presence

For instance, the GSA Order mentions that all GSA websites shall be hosted on servers using the “.gov” domain. Also, the registration and use of new second and third level domains is subject to approval by both GSA IT and OSC. In addition, you are responsible for coordinating with GSA's Office of Strategic Communications to ensure that information and links to your office’s digital content and services are provided on the website or GSA InSite as appropriate. You will want to follow up with the Office of Strategic Communications to ensure the new site has been coordinated and reviewed by the appropriate parties.

I hope this is helpful. Thanks.

My feeling is that as long as we have approval from OSC and IT (which I think we have after they gave us the domain name), then legal is OK with us launching.