
Browse Projects repository count does not reflect filter change

RicardoAReyes opened this issue · 2 comments

The Browser Projects repository count does not change based on user's filter selection. The count is constant and not reflect the end user's filter action.


How to replicate:

  1. Visit Browse Projects URL:!/browse-projects
  2. Filter by a Federal Agency, i.e. DOE (!/browse-projects?agencies=DOE)
  3. Notice that the repository count did not change.
  4. However, the footer pagination repository count did change based on filter selection.

See attached animation.


Agencies have notified the issue and were concerned about the OSS not being indexed on


  • Repository count should reflect the number of OSS indexed by that agency based on filter options.
froi commented

To give some context to this. I don't think this value is currently being calculated from the result set. It's a value that is provided by the API.

Example diractly from the API:

screenshot 2018-10-10 23 15 48

Here's an example form search results:


I'll work on this.