
Wrong city for JIMMYCARTERLIBRARY.GOV, doesn't work

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The Line for JIMMYCARTERLIBRARY.GOV says 'college' Maryland, the rest of the ones nearby are in College Park MD. Logically this should be too. Although, on the website the address is listed as:
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum
441 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia 30307-1498

image does not appear to go anywhere. is what they use

Thanks, @weissometer.

Re: Jimmy Carter Library, I think you're right that College is actually College Park. The city/state is generated during the registration process by the agencies, which allows for variance like that. It's the Maryland location and not Atlanta because the city/state fields refer to the agency requesting.

Re: - this list is of granted .govs. A number of them redirect or are not currently active. Many of these may not resolve.