
Re-Activate on Federalist

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The account that hosted this website ended recently, without factoring in the continued need of The site is still linked from numerous active policies and guidance websites, including, and a number of TTS artifacts.

alex commented

It's also still widely referenced by folks since it was so excellent!

Yes! this is happening. Shouldn't be too long.

FYI, I am likely to break the site first as I'm being made to update dependencies and I'm a class A n00b.

Yes please! I'm sure y'all saw this, but Chrome 90 will be assuming HTTPS by default next month (but falling back to HTTP if there's no secure option). Time marches on! And I plan on getting some more mileage out of how we led the way here ;) Keep up the good work! #StillFiredUp

Alrighty - this is done.

Plenty more to do, including working on the open issues and PRs here, and long-term sustainability for the site, but we're good for the moment.