
Display character count on disclaimer text field

ryanwoldatwork opened this issue · 4 comments

The disclaimer field in Touchpoints only allows for 500 characters, but it doesn’t say that anywhere. You might add that in.

User Story

(Disclaimer text already exists)

Acceptance Critieria

Given I'm editing a Form
When I'm entering open text into the Disclaimer Text field
Then I can see a maximum number of characters
And I can see my current character count

@ryanwoldatwork What about success text and instructions? Also show a 500 char limit?

I'll say no for now. While it would be consistent, no users have reported issues there yet. And, it feels like it'd clutter up the page, given the character text takes up additional page layout.

update: And some users rely heavily on Instruction Text, still. 500 would be too low. But, it does warrant quick stats on min/max/avg Instruction Text string lengths

Lots of forms have instruction text with character lengths exceeding 500.

519, 546, 557, 564, 578, 588, 656, 677, 678, 743, 746, 758, 778, 820, 993, 1841, 1894, 1935, 1939, 1944, 1959, 2180, 2981

I'll need to reach out to some form owners.