
Does this provider version work with Terraform 0.12?

aaronstrong opened this issue · 2 comments

Does this provider version work with Terraform 0.12?

I tried using it today as well, and during init I see the following:

terraform init

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Checking for available provider plugins...

Provider "scvmm" not available for installation.

A provider named "scvmm" could not be found in the Terraform Registry.

This may result from mistyping the provider name, or the given provider may
be a third-party provider that cannot be installed automatically.

In the latter case, the plugin must be installed manually by locating and
downloading a suitable distribution package and placing the plugin's executable
file in the following directory:

Terraform detects necessary plugins by inspecting the configuration and state.
To view the provider versions requested by each module, run
"terraform providers".

Error: no provider exists with the given name

@KenzoB73 thank you for posting error in your comment. As the error rightly show - third-party provider need to install manually. Please follow the steps mentioned in readme of provider, copy the binary in mentioned folder and then try again.