
[Feature] Delete Tags in "Add A New Standard"

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  • Currently, when a new tag is added in the "Add A New Standard" page, they cannot be deleted.
  • User should have the ability to delete tags (and get rid of any duplicates or typos/errors in the tags).
  • This should not get rid of any tags that already exist on a standard (if possible). We don't want to delete tags that already exist as this could cause issues for our non-profit partner.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Tags on the "Add a New Standard Page" are able to be deleted.
  • Small X that appears next to every tag on a hover is used to delete.
  • When the X is clicked, a pop-up shows to make sure the user really wants to delete the tag.
  • The tag is not deleted from any existing standard, it is just deleted from these options (if possible).

Other Notes

The tags where deleting ability should be implemented in the "Add A New Standard" page