
Generate/Update release should only update mods already in the release. Require explicitly adding new mods to avoid pulling in removed mods.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Move side of the mods to the release data instead of having it globally. For example in the, there is Botdustries, which is not in later versions as it has been absorbed by GTNH Lanthanides. But because the side is global, you have to disable it when you want to build later versions, and reenable it when you want to build the

Remembering what mods got added/removed between versions isn't really practical.

Seems to make more sense to have the "generate/update release" only pull from mods already in the release, and require explicitly adding new mods. The assets are just the pool that it can pull from and it shouldn't automatically pull in new/missing (or in this case deleted) mods.