
Add support for early/late mixins

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Right now the build script doesn't have support for early/late mixins, forcing mods that use it (such as Hodgepodge and NotFine) to use a custom gitignore with this line removed:


This should be updated to only exclude the autogenerated mixins.blah.json; and not the (currently not autogenerated) mixin.blah.(early|late).json. Or updated to also generate the early/late.json if they're missing. 🤔

Maybe the autogenerated configs could reside in a different temp directory, which would be added as an extra dir to sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs. That would remove the need to gitignore anything from src.

RFG provides a injectedTags sourceset in the build folder for generating the class with mod version/id/etc., which could also be used for adding resources to the built jar without putting them in the main source folders