
Missing documentation

Timeslice42 opened this issue · 11 comments

Would you please put a link to the post containing the documentation for this addon into the file?

Yes I will do tomorrow. When you go to the Minetweaker page from Stan go to the wiki and than to Gregtech. There you find all information because I edit this page and add my code there.

Thank you.

The other machines I not add like the arc furnace will follow soon.

Btw I collecting minetweaker scripts. Look at my repository lets Greg other mods if you like.

So Wiki is done. Check it out and say to me if this is enough.

Looks good to me. I only see one consistency/typo error: on the distillery it should probably read "(true = Recipe are hidden)" to be consistent with the phrasing on the other methods that can hide recipes.

I do have a question about the BBF. If the output liquid is always null, then why expose that parameter at all? Why not just have null passed internally?

I look inside this

Did you ever get a chance to look at the BBF?

I don't know how I can fix it. My coding knowledge isn't that big. Will asking the coder in my team.

So finaly fix it with the Blast Furnace.
Version 0.7.5 is up to date but it need Gregtech 5.08.26 to work right.

Thanks. :)