
Broken handler for Plasma Arc Furnace.

OneEyeMaker opened this issue · 6 comments

The title says it all. Your handler for Plasma Arc Furnace is broken: it ignores output fluid at all and tries to cast FluidStack to int[] (=> ClassCastException).

My script for Plasma Arc Furnace:

PlasmaArcFurnace.addRecipe([<ore:ingotBedrockium>.firstItem * 9], <liquid:argon> * 1, <ore:blockBedrockium>, <liquid:plasma.argon> * 1, [10000], 55, 32);
PlasmaArcFurnace.addRecipe([<ore:ingotBedrockium>.firstItem * 9], <liquid:nitrogen> * 3, <ore:blockBedrockium>, <liquid:plasma.nitrogen> * 1, [10000], 55, 32);

I guess you just need to add i.nextFluid() between i.nextItemArr() and i.nextIntArr().

Also, you should have two methods for Plasma Arc Furnace - one with fluid output and one without it (GT5u has both methods of registration recipes for Plasma Arc Furnace - first and second).

Please, fix this problem.


Any idea here ?

The new Ordicted Version Techlone rewrote totaly so thats why i ask him.

I know about this rewrite (I'm using GTTweaker-1.4.1).

Is the old version without Ordict support working?
I using custom Arc Furnace recipe and for me it is working.

Arc Furnace != Plasma Arc Furnace. These ones are different machines and have diffenet handlers in GT and GTTweaker. (Arc Furnace recipes work properly, Plasma Arc Furnace doesn't).
And I didn't try to test this bug with older version of GTTweaker.

I guess you just need to add i.nextFluid() between i.nextItemArr() and i.nextIntArr().


two methods for Plasma Arc Furnace

I added overload with null fluidOutput.

ok i add those code.
