
HTTP web and networking server by the GWU SHC group!

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


HTTP web and networking server by the GWU SHC group!


$ make
$ ./gw-http 8080
...point your browser to localhost:8080/shc.html...
$ make clean

Project ideas

Expand this code to

  • [EASY] add an awesome 404 page with tons of awesome tech
  • [EASY] add other error pages
  • [MEDIUM] trivial message board
  • add a HTTP PUT handler (10 lines of code)
  • add a linked-list or otherwise data-structure to track the messages that have been put
  • add a webpage that displays these messages, with a prompt at the bottom that makes the next PUT request
  • add auto-refresh logic to the webpage
  • now you have a trivial message board!
  • [HARD] Add fastcgi support
  • Also integrate with memcache to cache output because performance!
  • [MEDIUM] add messaging logic so that this is also a message server with a REST API for all of its functionality
  • [EASY] perform routing so that certain paths (e.g. /gwmsg/) go to specific plugins
  • [MEDIUM] add a plugin facility so that different server tasks can be plugged in (e.g. messaging)
  • [EASY] include more HTTP options and extensions
  • [MEDIUM] include Rust extensions
  • [HARD] add isolation of plugins using 1. processes, then 2. chroot or container equivalents
  • [HARD] integrate with slack as a plugin
  • [MEDIUM] add Travis CI integration on github

Add your own!