
Some minor issues that arise during use.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Firstly, there are too few document descriptions, and many problems cannot be solved through documentation,
Then, the instance URL copy key is invalid,
Websocket cannot connect to ws link after setting according to the document,
I hope you can supplement the document,
Gzctf is a good project and we need it.

Can you elaborate what issues you have encountered in details (eg. attaching the configuration, screenshot or logs) so that we can investigate it?

  1. 复制的相关内容在文档初期就有提及:

    GZCTF 的安全性和前端功能(如操作剪贴板)依赖于 HTTPS,此部分所描述的部署方式并不提供 HTTPS 支持,因此不适合用于生产环境。仅供本地测试使用。

    本文档不涉及如何配置 HTTPS,关于 nginx、traefik 等软件的配置使用方法请自行查询,请注意 GZCTF 的 websocket 功能可能也需要进行独立配置,如遇到比赛通知无法推送等问题请先排查反向代理是否配置正确。

  2. Websocket 连接问题、上传文件大小问题等请自行配置 nginx 反代设置,网上有很多内容。

如有其他部署问题,可以加入 README 中的用户群讨论,这些均为已经解答过多次的问题了。