Default window width causes incorrect wrapping
eclairevoyant opened this issue · 3 comments
Was there a specific reason why w = 374
was chosen for the main window? It seems to render incorrectly on my machine. I'm not using KDE, just using a WM (qtile) under X. The width seems just slightly small enough to cause incorrect wrapping.
Example of out-of-the-box config (QWidget
width = 354):
With the following custom QSS:
QWidget {
width: 358
I tried all possible combinations of useSystemEmojiFont
and useSystemEmojiFontWidthHeuristics
to no benefit, only the QSS seemed to help.
mhhh idk it seemed to fit nicely on different systems but i guess you can never be sure. Its weird tho because the emojis should have fixed size.
Would you be fine with a simple config entry like windowWidth to configure it yourself?
I don't really know how to fix it in a proper way 😆
I'm fine with using the qss on my own systems, I'm just thinking of other users who might run into this in the future. I'll probably play around with the qt inspector later to see why it's wrapping on my system, and if the value can be calculated from some system parameters.
this is completely fixed now